Jan 25, 2013

Let us start over..

My oh my.. It has been a long time since last post. I think this blog needs to be updated more frequently starting from today. Let's see, where should we start.... Children? Yes, I now have three :

Damia Batrisyia - 6 years old

Muhammad Dafiq Hanania - 4 years old

Dhiya Safiya - 1 year

Right, that is enough for now. Will be writing more soon..

- pApa-


Jul 26, 2010

Cancer Info


1. Every person has cancer cells in the body. These cancer cells do not show up in the standard tests until they have multiplied to a few billion. When doctors tell cancer patients that there are no more cancer cells in their bodies after treatment, it just means the tests are unable to detect the cancer cells because they have not reached the detectable size .

2. Cancer cells occur between 6 to more than 10 times in a person's lifetime.

3. When the person's immune system is strong the cancer cells will be destroyed and prevented from multiplying and forming tumors.

4. When a person has cancer it indicates the person has multiple nutritional deficiencies. These could be due to genetic, environmental, food and lifestyle factors.

5. To overcome the multiple nutritional deficiencies, changing diet and including supplements will strengthen the immune system.

6. Chemotherapy involves poisoning the rapidly-growing cancer cells and also destroys rapidly-growing healthy cells in the bone marrow, gastro-intestinal tract etc, and can cause organ damage, like liver, kidneys, heart, lungs etc.

7. Radiation while destroying cancer cells also burns, scars and damages healthy cells, tissues and organs.

8. Initial treatment with chemotherapy and radiation will often reduce tumor size. However prolonged use of chemotherapy and radiation do not result in more tumor destruction.

9. When the body has too much toxic burden from chemotherapy and radiation the immune system is either compromised or destroyed, hence the person can succumb to various kinds of infections and complications.

10. Chemotherapy and radiation can cause cancer cells to mutate and become resistant and difficult to destroy. Surgery can also cause cancer cells to spread to other sites.

11. An effective way to battle cancer is to STARVE the cancer cells by not feeding it with foods it needs to multiple.
What cancer cells feed on:

a. Sugar is a cancer-feeder. By cutting off sugar it cuts off one important food supply to the cancer cells. Note: Sugar substitutes like NutraSweet, Equal, Spoonful, etc are made with Aspartame and it is harmful. A be! tter natural substitute would be Manuka honey or molasses but only in very small amounts. Table salt has a chemical added to make it white in colour. Better alternative is Bragg's aminos or sea salt.
b. Milk causes the body to produce mucus, especially in the gastro-intestinal tract. Cancer feeds on mucus. By cutting off milk and substituting with unsweetened soy milk, cancer cells will starved.

c. Cancer cells thrive in an acid environment. A meat-based diet is acidic and it is best to eat fish, and a little chicken rather than beef or pork. Meat also contains livestock antibiotics, growth hormones and parasi! tes, which are all harmful, especially to people with cancer.

d. A diet made of 80% fresh vegetables and juice, whole grains, seeds, nuts and a little fruits help put the body into an alkaline environment. About 20% can be from cooked food including beans. Fresh vegetable juices provide live enzymes that are easily absorbed and reach down to cellular levels within 15 minutes t o nourish and enhance growth of healthy cells. To obtain live enzymes for building healthy cells try and drink fresh vegetable juice (most vegetables including bean sprouts) and eat some raw vegetables 2 or 3 times a day. Enzymes are destroyed at temperatures of 104 degrees F (40 degrees C).

e. Avoid coffee, tea, and chocolate, which have high caffeine. Green tea is a better alternative and has cancer-fighting properties. Water--best to drink purified water, or filtered, to avoid known toxins and heavy metals in tap water. Distilled water is acidic, avoid it.

12. Meat protein is difficult to digest and requires a lot of digestive enzymes. Undigested meat remaining in the intestines will become putrified and leads to more toxic buildup.

13. Cancer cell walls have a tough protein covering. By refraining from or eating less ! meat it frees more enzymes to attack the protein walls of cancer cells and allows the body's killer cells to destroy the cancer cells.

14. Some supplements build up the immune system (IP6, Flor-ssence, Essiac, anti-oxidants, vitamins, minerals, EFAs etc.) to enable the body's own killer cells to destroy cancer cells. Other supplements like vitamin E are known to cause apoptosis, or programmed cell death, the body's normal method of disposing of damaged, unwanted, or unneeded cells.

15. Cancer is a disease of the mind, body, and spirit. A proactive and positive spirit will help the cancer warrior be a survivor. Anger, unforgiving and bitterness put the body into a stressful and acidic environment. Learn to have a loving and forgiving spirit. Learn to relax and enjoy life.

16. Cancer cells cannot thrive in an oxygenated environment. Exercising daily, and deep breathing help to get more oxygen down to the cellular level. Oxygen therapy is another means employed to destroy cancer cells.

Jul 13, 2010

Khasiat Tumbuhan Untuk Manusia..

Bagi orang kampung ulam tentunya menjadi agenda utama sebagai pembuka selera. Ulam biasanya dimakan bersama perencah seperti sambal belacan, sos, budu bagi masyarakat Pantai Timur dan cencaluk sebagai penyedap rasa. Ulam bukan sahaja sebagai penyedap rasa tetapi nutrien dalam ulam adalah penting untuk tubuh kita. Masyarakat Melayu khususnya masih lagi memakan ulam sebagai satu amalan. Ulam dipercayai merupakan makanan yang menjadi penawar berkesan bagi semua masyarakat khususnya masyarakat Melayu.

Buah petai atau nama saintifiknya Parkia spp tergolong dalam famili Leguminasae. Buah petai banyak ataupun senang didapati dikawasan Tropika. Pokok petai yang biasa didapati di negara kita ada empat jenis.

Buah petai dipercayai boleh mengubati penyakit darah tinggi dan kencing manis. Biasanya petai dimakan begitu sahaja sebagai ulam ataupun dibuat sambal. Petai umumnya menyumbang kearah kesihatan seseorang melalui pelbagai vitamin, galian dan unsur-unsur lain.

Kandungan khasiat dalam buah petai berbeza mengikut umur dan tahap kesegaran bijinya. Petai yang kecut dan yang tidak bulat bijinya mempunyai kandungan khasiat yang rendah. Selain mengubat penyakit darah tinggi dan kencing manis, masyarakat Melayu juga percaya bahawa buah petai juga berkesan untuk merawat penyakit hati, buah pinggang dan untuk mengubat kanak-kanak yang kecacingan.

Ulam raja mudah hidup subur di laman-laman rumah. Ia merupakan sejenis ulam yang amat sesuai dimakan mentah. Berdasarkan kajian sains ulam raja mengandungi 3% protein, 0.4% lemak dan karbohidrat. Ia juga kaya dengan kalsium dan vitamin A. Oleh kerana kandungan kalsium yang tinggi ulam raja dikatakan sesuai sebagai makanan bagi menguatkan tulang. Ulam raja juga sesuai sebagai agen pencuci darah.

Nama sains bagi jering ialah Pithecellobium jiringa. Jering tergolong dalam famili Legumnasea. Jering mengandungi sebanyak 3.5% protein, 0.1% lemak, 1.7% karbohidrat dan banyak mengandungi kalsium, fosforus, besi, vitamin A, B dan juga C. biasanya biji jering dimakan sebagai ulam. Jering dipercayai dapat meransang pembuangan air kecil. Tetapi jika dimakan terlalu banyak jering boleh menyebabkan kesukaran membuang air kecil kerana ia mengandungi bahan toksid iaitu asid jengkolik yang boleh menyumbat pundi kencing. Jering juga dikatakan dapat mengubat penyakit kencing manis dan menurut kajian sains sebatian alkoloid dalam jering dapat meneutralkan kandungan gula dalam badan.

Bendi mudah didapati di negara kita. Bendi mengandungi sebanyak 2% protein, 7% karbohidrat dan 1% serat.menurut kajian bendi juga kaya dengan zat galian dan vitamin. Bendi merupakan sejenis sayur yang elok untuk perkembangan otak. Dalam bidang perubatan bendi digunakan sebagai peransang untuk membuang air kecil, berkesan untuk merawat gonerea, sifilis serta bengkak saluran kerongkong dan hidung.

Terung pipit merupakan tumbuhan liar di Malaysia. terung pipit biasanya dimakan mentah atau dicelur untuk dibuat ulam. Berdasarkan kajian terung pipit mengandungi 2% protein, 0.1% lemak, 7.9% karbohidrat dan mengandungi banyak fosforus, sedikit zat besi, banyak vitamin A dan C serta sedikit vitamin BI. Terung pipit juga dikatakan mengandungi alkoloid jenis steroid yang dikenali sebagai solasodin sebanyak 0.84%. Steroid ini penting untuk menghasilkan pil perancang keluarga. Terung pipit juga digunakan untuk mengubati retak kulit pada kaki, mencuci darah dengan meminum air rebusannya, melegakan kesakitan, penawar racun ular dan serangga serta menjadi ubat yang berkesan untuk meredakan sakit perut.

Keseluruhan bahagian pegaga (daun, batang, bunga, buah dan akar) banyak kegunaannya dan mengandungi khasiat yang tinggi. Jika terlalu banyak dimakan pegaga boleh menyebabkan penyakit neurotisme. Pada zaman dahulu pegaga digunakan sebagai racun sumpitan untuk memburu binatang. Masyarakat Melayu khususnya amat yakin pegaga berkhasiat untuk memanjangkan umur dan awet muda. Berdasarkan kajian untuk mendapatkan kesan yang positif pagaga boleh dimakan dalam kuantiti yang sedikit sahaja. Jika pengambilan berlebihan, pegaga akan menyebabkan kesan narkotik dan keracunan kumulatif yang meransang tumor untuk jangka masa yang panjang. Pagaga mengandungi sebatian kimia dan bioaktiviti yang terbukti mengandungi antibakteria, antispasma, antiinflamasi, hipotensif dan insektisid. Dalam bidang perubatan tradisi, pegaga digunakan sebagai agen analergi, antikanser, antidiarea, anti disenteri, peransang pembuangan urin, hipotensif, stimulan, tonik, menyejukkan badan, membuang batu karang, penawar kencing berdarah, kusta, gonorea, luka, kudis dan sakit kerongkong.

Menurut kajian kacang botor jika masih muda mengandungi 1 hingga 3% protein. Oleh kerana itu kacang ini dikatakan sebagai sumber protein. Ia juga kaya dengan kalsium, zat besi dan vitamin A. daun kacang botor juga sedap dibuat sayur atau dibuat ulam. Daunnya mengandungi 5 hingga 7% protein di samping vitamin A, C dan garam galian. Oleh sebab itu daunnya dikatakan sesuai untuk nutrisi, iaitu proses pengolahan dan kemasukan makanan oleh tubuh. Daun kacang botor boleh dibuat losyen untuk meredakan penyakit cacar dengan mencampur ramuan lain. Akarnya juga berkesan untuk menghilangkan penyakit vertigo ataupun gayat ketika berada di tempat tinggi.

Timun begitu mudah didapati di negara kita. Timun sedap dimakan begitu sahaja ataupun dibuat ulam. Timun mengandungi 0.65% protein, 0.1% lemak dan 2.2% karbohidrat. Timun juga mengandungi kalsium, zat besi, magnesium, fosforus, vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin C dan niasin. Biji timun mengandungi racun alkoloid jenis hipoxantin yang berkesan untuk merawat kanak-kanak yang kecacingan. Daun timun yang muda juga sesuai untuk dijadikan ulam samaada dimakan mentah ataupun dicelur. Timun yang masak jika dimakan mentah dipercayai untuk merawat penyakit sampu pucat, iaitu sejenis penyakit pening-pening yang berterusan sehingga boleh menurunkan berat badan. Berdasarkan rawatan tradisional, timun juga berkesan untuk mengubat penyakit disenteri, iaitu keluar darah semasa membuang air kecil.

Tumbuhan berbunga biasanya ditanam di kawasan rumah sebagai penyeri halaman. Tumbuhan berbunga juga tidak kurang khasiatnya walaupun ianya tidak boleh dimakan begitu saja seperti ulam. Di negara kita Malaysia terdapat banyak tumbuhan berbunga. Walaupun tidak kesemuanya ada juga tumbuhan berbunga di negara kita yang digunakan sebagai penawar berbagai jenis penyakit.dibahagian ini akan dihuraikan tentang khasiat bunga tahi ayam, bunga melati, bunga pecah lima, bunga raya dan setawar.

Oleh kerana baunya yang agak busuk, nama bunga tahi ayam dipilih sebagai pengenalan kepada pokok ini bagi masyarakat tempatan. Nama sains bagi pokok ini ialah Lantana camara. Pokok ini senang ditanam dan mudah dijaga. Menurut kajian daun bunga tahi ayam mengandungi sejenis minyak (sineol) yang senang meruap dan senang meresap dalam udara. Minyak ini juga mempunyai rasa seperti daun pudina. Minyak yang terhasil ini juga amat berkesan untuk mengeluarkan lendir dan kahak daripada penyakit asma. Lendir yang menghalang saluran pernafasan dapat dikeluarkan dengan menghidu bau yang terhasil dari ramasan atau tumbukan daun yang telah dijemur sehingga setengah kering. Daun pokok bunga tahi ayam juga boleh mengurangkan bengkak akibat daripada infeksi kuman. Ini disebabkan oleh kandungan turpineol (minyak atsiri yang bersifat antiseptik yang boleh membunuh kuman) dan furfurol (bersifat fungisida yang berkesan merawat penyakit kulit yang diakibatkan oleh kulat) di dalamnya. Daunnya perlu ditumbuk halus dan ditampal pada bahagian yang sakit.

Bunganya yang berbau wangi sering digunakan di majlis-majlis rasmi khususnya majlis perkahwinan. Bau harum bunga melati disebabkan oleh penghasilan cecair jasmon yang merupakan sejenis sebatian kimia yang dipanggil keton. Ianya mudah meruap dan menyebabkan bau melati meresap di udara. Minyak ekstrak bunga melati yang dikenali sebagai jasmine oil, sering digunakan untuk menyapu sambil mengurutkan perlahan-lahan bahagian tubuh yang tegang atau sakit saraf. Ia amat berkesan untuk mengendurkan ketegangan urat kerana sifatnya yang mudah meresap jauh ke dalam kulit. Bunga melati juga digunakan sebagai petua meredakan demam bagi kanak-kanak. Sifatnya yang sejuk akan cepat membuatkan suhu badan kanak-kanak cepat menurun. Bunga melati juga dapat mengurangkan lebihan susu ibu selepas bersalin dan elok untuk membuat minyak rambut bagi menyejukkan kulit kepala, mengelakkan keguguran rambut dan meninggalkan bau harum pada rambut.

Nama sains pokok ini ialah Vinca rosea @ Lochnera rosea. Bunga pecah lima dikatakan amat berkesan untuk mengubat diabetis. Menurut perubatan tradisional daun bunga ini juga digunakan untuk merawat tumor. Daunnya yang mempunyai kandungan vinbastin, iaitu sejenis alkoloid yang mampu memusnahkan sel-sel tumor. Kesannya yang agak lambat ke atas tumor menyebabkan ianya kurang digunakan pada masa kini. Sari daun pecah lima mengandungi vindolin iaitu sejenis alkoloid yang berbentuk metil ester dari kumpulan asid karbosilik aspidos perimidin yang berkhasiat dan amat berkesan untuk merawat diabetes. Akarnya yang mengandungi akloida, flavonoida dan tanin berkesan merawat masalah putaran haid yang tidak teratur dengan meransang kesuburan pengeluaran telur dagi kaum wanita.

Nama sains bagi bunga raya ialah Hibiscus rosa sinensis. Bunga ini mempunyai khasiat yang amat mujarab untuk menghilangkan batuk. Tumbuhan ini mengandungi sejenis lendir atau mucin yang memberikan rasa sejuk pada kerongkong dan rongga paru-paru. Selain itu bunga raya juga mengandungi hebiscetin iaitu satu bahan yang amat berkesan untuk meredakan batuk dan menghilangkan kahak. Daun bunga raya juga digunakan untuk menghitamkan dan melebatkan rambut.

Pokok ini merupakan tumbuhan renek yang daunnya banyak mengandungi air. Setawar merupakan sejenis herba dari kategori crassulaceae. Nama sainsnya ialah Kalanchoe pinnata. Menurut kajian daun setawar banyak kandungan saponin, sejenis bahan berkhasiat yang mudah larut dalam air dan membentuk larutan sabun.daunnya juga mengandungi flavonoidi dan tanin yang boleh mengubat penyakit buasir.

Jul 6, 2010

Doa untuk Ibu Bapa

Dato' Dr. Fazilah Kamsah pernah berkata..... .

" setiap pagi sedekahkan al-fatihah kepada kedua ibu bapamu ( tak kira
masih hidup @ telah tiada )".......... nescaya pintu rezekimu akan
terbuka buat kamu...

Berdasarkan Hadith Nabi :
"Tidak akan terputus rezeki seseorang selagi dia tidak meninggalkan doa
kepada kedua orang tua nya dalam sehari"

Huraian hadith:
- jangan sesekali meninggalkan doa kepada kedua ibubapa (baik yang hidup
mahupun yang sudah tiada )
- Allah akan memurahkan rezeki kepada mereka yang tidak putus berdoa
kepada kedua ibu bapa (walaupun ada ibu bapa yang leka, doakan agar
mereka berubah)
- Ingatlah bahawa keredhaan ibu bapa adalah keredhaan Allah
- Semasa berdoa, berdoalah dengan bersungguh2. ...tadah tangan dan
bayangkan wajah kedua orang tua kita , termasuk guru2 kita dan mereka
yang banyak menolong kita (berdoa perlu benar2 bersungguh2)
- Mereka yang lupa berdoa kepada kedua orang tua, akan disempitkan
rezeki oleh Allah

- Bagi yang berniaga, tak perlu ada ilmu pelaris..... . Cuma jangan lupa
doakan ibu bapa kita setiap hari
- Rezeki bukan sahaja berupa wang ringgit, tetapi segala nikmat yang
kita dapat dari Allah (e.g. makan, kesihatan, kasih sayang, ilmu dsb
nya..) InsyaAllah Berusaha dan bertawakal.. ...insyallah , rezeki itu
bukan kerana ada sijil SPM, ..Mari kita cuba .
.Allahhuakhbar. ..

Mama asyik teringatkan arwah ayah. Mama sayang sangat kat Ayah, rindu sangat kat ayah, terngiang-ngiang suara ayah.
Ayah, ayah adalah ayah yang terbaik yg saya pernah ada. Sangat besar pengorbanan ayah dalam membesarkan kami, menyekolahkan kami sehingga berjaya,mendidik kami dengan ilmu agama, mengambil berat kesakitan kami.
Kini tiada lagi masakan sedap yang pernah ayah masakkan untuk kami bila pulang ke kampung, hanya kenangan suka duka bersama ayah akan kekal abadi bersama kami hingga ke akhir hayat kami.
Doa kami semoga roh ayah akan sentiasa tenang & damai mengadap Ilahi serta ditempatkan bersama2 dengan orang mukmin yang DIA kasihi...amin...

Dec 23, 2009

Special Day!

Cam biase, every end of year, company akan wat event untuk pekerja contoh/terbaik, last week company celebrated such event yang mana kami tunggu2 untuk makan time.. teringat lagi makanan aritu, sedap2 belaka, espclly udang galah masak kari..emmm yam..yam..ya, aiskrim tapai yang tak pernah makan sebelum ni..

Lupe lak Mama nak ambil gambar makanannyer, sibuk berposing...hehehehe

Sebelum makan, calon2 terpilih akan dianugerahkan dengan hadiah masing2, yang kagum sekali adalah anugerah kepada pekerja2 yang berkhidmat lebih 15 tahun..agaknyer Mama sampai ke bekerja ke tahap itu....possible/impossible..

As, siti, Kak suhaina from department Mama...tak sabor nak makan dah mase tu...hehehe

Dec 9, 2009

A Story Worth Sharing

4 years ago, an accident took my beloved away and very often I wonder, how does my wife, who is now in the heavenly realm, feel right now? She must be feeling extremely sad for leaving a husband who is incapable to taking care of the house and the kid. 'cos that is the exact feeling that I have, as I feel that I have failed to provide for the physical and emotional needs of my child, and failed to be the dad and mum for my child.

There was one particular day, when I had an emergency at work. Hence, I had to leave home whilst my child was still sleeping. So thinking that there was still rice leftovers, I hastily cooked an egg and left after informing my sleepy child.

With the double roles, I am often exhausted at work as well as when I am home. So after a long day, I came home, totally drained of all energy. So with just a brief hug and kiss for my child, I went straight into the room, skipping dinner. However, when I jumped into my bed with intention of just having a well-deserved sleep, all i heard and felt was broken porcelain and warm liquid! I flipped open my blanket, and there lies the source of the 'problem'... a broken bowl with instant noodles and a mess on the bedsheet* ** and blanket!

Boy, was I mad! I was so furious that I took a clothes hanger, charged straight at my child who was happily playing with his toy, and give him a good spanking! He merely cried but not asking for mercy, except a short explanation: "Dad, I was hungry and there wasn't anymore leftover rice. But you were not back yet, hence I wanted to cook some instant noodles. But I remembered you reminding me not to touch or use the gas stove without any adults around, hence I turned on the shower and used the hot water from the bathroom to cook the noodles. One is for you and the other is for me. However, I was afraid that the noodles will turn cold, so I hid it under the blanket to keep it warm till you return. But I forgot to remind you 'cos I was playing with my toys...I am sorry Dad..." At that moment, tears were starting to run down my cheeks...but I didn't want my son to see his dad crying so I dashed into the bathroom and cried with the shower head on to mask my cries.

After that episode, I went towards my son to give him a tight hug and applied medication on him, while coaxing him to sleep. Then, it was time to clear up the mess on the bed. When everything was done and well past midnight, I passed my son's room, and saw that he was still crying, not from the pain on his little buttock, but from looking at the photograph of his beloved mummy.

A year has passed since the episode, I have tried, in this period, to focus on giving him both the love of his dad and mum, and to attend to most of his needs. And soon, he is turning seven, and will be graduating from kindergarten. Fortunately, the incident did not leave a lasting impression on his childhood memories and he is still happily growing up.

However, not so long ago, I hit my boy again, with much regret. This time, his kindergarten teacher called, informing me of my son's absence from school. I took off early from work and went home, expecting him to explain. But he wasn't to be found, so I went around our house, calling out his name and eventually found him outside a stationery shop, happily playing computer games. I was fuming, brought him home and whack the hell out of him. He did not retaliate, except to say, 'I am sorry, Dad'. But after much probing, I realized that it was a 'Talent Show' organized by his school and the invite is for every student's mummy. And that was the reason for his absence as he has no mummy.....

Few days after the caning, my son came home to tell me, the kindergarten has recently taught him how to read and write. Since then, he has kept to himself and stayed in his room to practise his writing, which I am sure, would make my wife proud, if she was still around. 'cos he makes me proud too!

Time passes by very quickly, and soon another year has passed. It's winter, and its Christmas time. Everywhere the christmas spirit is in every passer-by...Christmas carols and frantic shoppers....but alas, my son got into another trouble. When I was about to knock off from the day's work, the post office called. Due to the peak season, the post master was also on an edgy mood. He called to tell me that my son has attempted to post several letters with no addressee. Although I did make a promise never to hit my son again, I couldn't help but to hit him as I feel that this child of mine is really beyond control.

Once again, as before, he apologized, ' I'm sorry, Dad' and no additional reason to explain. I pushed him towards a corner, went to the post office to collect the letters with no addressee and came home, and angrily questioned my son on his prank, during this time of the year. His answer, amidst his sobbing, was :** **The letters were for Mummy. My eyes grew teary, but I tried to control my emotions and continued to ask him: " But why did u post so many letters, at one time?" My son's reply was: " I have been writing to mummy for a long time, but each time I reach out for the post box, it was too high for me, hence I was not able to post the letters. But recently, when I went back to the postbox, I could reach it and I sent it all at once..." After hearing this, I was lost. Lost at not knowing what to do, what to say.... I told my son, " Son, mummy is in the heavenly kingdom, so in future, if you have anything to tell her, just burn the letter and it will reach mummy. My son, on hearing this, was much pacified and calm, and soon after, he was sleeping soundly.
On promising that I will burn the letters on his behalf, I brought the letters outside, but couldnt help opening the letter before they turn to ash. And one of the letters broke my heart.... Dear Mummy, I miss you so much! Today, there was a'Talent Show' in school, and the school invited all mothers for the show. But you are not around, so I did not want to participate as well. I did not tell Dad about it as I was afraid that Dad would start to cry and miss you all over again. Dad went around looking for me, but in order to hide my sadness, I sat in front of the computer and started playing games at one of the shops. Dad was furious, and he couldnt help it but scolded and hit me, but I did not tell him the real reason.

Mummy, everyday I see Dad missing you and whenever he think of you, he is so sad and often hide and cry in his room. I think we both miss you very very much. Too much for our own good I think. But Mummy, I am starting to forget your face. Can you please appear in my dreams so that I can see your face and remember you? I heard that if you fall asleep with the photograph of the person whom you miss, you will see the person in your dreams. But mummy, why havent you appear?
After reading the letter, I cant stop sobbing. 'cos I can never replace the irreplaceable gap left behind by my wife....

For the females with children: Don't do so much overtime. If you cannot finish the work, it must be some kind of problems within the company, and it is not your sole problem. Feedback to your boss. Endless overtime may not necessary be the answer to the problem. Take care of your health so that you can treasure and take care of your little precious.

For the married men: Drink less, smoke less, cos nothing can replace your good health, not even business nor clients. Try thinking this way, are you able to work till your clients are totally dependent on you? or your boss is totally dependent on you? In this society, no one is indispensable. Take care of your health, so that you can take care of your little precious and your loved ones.

For those singles out there: Beauty lies in loving yourself first. With confidence and loving yourself, you will see the beauty in other things around you. You will be able to work better and happier. Don't let your health be affected by your work or your boss, so nothing matters more than your well being.

P/s: learn from the past, live in the present and work for the future.


I'm thinking when I'm going to take further course, the last course Mama attended was on June 11 & 12 this year, my appraisal is just around the corner...huhuhu